And another one!This is another checkboxThis is a text tooltip over an image!This is a radio buttonThis is a checkboxThis is the size of the productThis is the color of the productThis is the size titleThis is the color titleThis tooltip was added using the Live Tooltip feature on the image of the productJust press this button to send us your form!Please briefly describe your issuePlease enter your full nameWe will never publish your email address

WordPress Tooltips Ultimate & Image Hotspot Plugin


3 showing options

Show on hoverLorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Show on clickLorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Show on page loadThis tooltip is shown automatically when the page is loaded

3 hiding options

Hide on hover outLorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Hide on clicking anchorLorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Hide on clicking elsewhereLorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Show delay 200ms / Hide delay 300msLorem ipsum
Show delay 200ms / Hide delay 1secLorem ipsum
Hide When Inactive Time delayI will hide if you leave your mouse inactive for 1 second

Advanced options

Hide Other Tooltips When ShowingI will hide all other open tooltips when I come up
Stay visible when mousing on tooltipI will stay visible if you put your mouse over me
Target mouseI am positioned at your mouse cursor
Follow MouseI will follow your mouse cursor