Here is an example with pulse animation.

Floor lamp
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White SofaCoffee tableBook caseCarpetThis hotspot tooltip contains a link.Click here to follow the link.
And here is a map example with fade animation and different icons for each hotspot.

Living roomBathroomHall EntranceBedroomKitchen
Image or font awesome icon
Choose between a custom image or a font awesome icon for your hotspots. You can select between 503 available font awesome icons.

My hotspot is an imageMy hotspot is a font awesome icon
Customizable size
You can easily set the size of your icons. You can also define specific sizes for responsive purposes (different size for smartphones, tablets portrait and tablets landscape).

My hotspot has a size of 20pxMy hotspot has a size of 40px
Hotspot animations
Choose between 2 cool animations for your hotspots: pulse and fade.

My hotspot has a pulse animationMy hotspot has a fade animation